Sunday, January 04, 2009

New Year Longings

Instead of starting with resolutions, I want to be a little unpredictable to give you my longings. I know it is weird for me a chinese to show you, many of you Chinese, a video of how an American travels and eats in China, but it does seems more funny and warm to me, as if, someone you like likes to vist your home, I love his home as well, New York city, so it is very reciprical.

The episode of his travel in Yuannan, shows exactly that route that I wished to travel in 2008 but were not able to.

Yunnan is the deep south province where the Meikong river started, so it is the beginning of that beautiful and dramatic Mekong River.

The most important, what he eat in this episode in the Bai market and in the local home, makes me extremely hungry and homesick.

New year always means new horizons. One thing that makes me think myself lucky is that I have travelled some, albeit not all for pleasure, and I wish I can do more.

That is also a reason I have special soft place in my heart for writers who write about strange and faraway places they visited, or lived, out of their own elements, writers like Hemingway, Graham Greene, Paul Bowles, Isak Dinesen and Maugham.

In this episode, I also like the raw pork eating. I don't think my friend Hai ever know that his fellow Yunnan folks eat pork raw, since he once and recently firmly stated that pork can not be eatern raw because of its worms.

And the guy who offered the raw pork to A.B is so serious in seeing his reaction: Is it OK? (Good English speaking)

That takes no other answer than what A.B did offer: it is very good.

What I like A.B in his travel is his open mindness and cultural sensitivity and that unreigned love of food and life itself.


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