Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Heading to LA for this Weekend

I have been busy travelling to DC for business, I have been walking in the pouring rain that came from the Hurricane from the south.

This Oct is full of rain, wet and cold, with some opening up days that were extremly beautiful, in that speical New York way. I like rainy days in Central park.

Tomorrow I will take a break to go to LA to visit two of my friends, one of whom has the link of the his blog to this site: What I Saw by Albatross.

This weekend I will see some galleries, a center designed by Louis Kahn, my favoriate archtect, watch a USC football game.

I have not heard from New York Times about my letter. I assume there will be no responese. But I am glad I protested, spoke out.

Let me know what is happening to you this weekend by posting a comment. Be happy, make it our resolution.

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